Thursday, May 13, 2010

April 2010!

Last month 3000 toothbrushes were donated by Aquafresh to our dental department! So far 400 have been distributed to local schools, and the hospital is offering a free toothbrush when you get a clean and polish! They are disappearing quickly so its first come, first serve!

Finally, the Therapy department has its mobile clinic back! After 4 months without a vehicle, it is great to be able to start visiting the 6 clinics in the surrounding area and make home visits again!

Therapy has also bought 200 new crutches for patients, after 6 months of using home-made crutches out of bits and bobs around the hospital!

We are so happy to welcome our new pharmacist Bonga Memele from Kwazulu-natal. Since January, the Pharmacy has been an area of chaos without a pharmacist, and the staff have certainly had their work cut out! Although they have done an undeniably great job, it is a relief to have a permanent and qualified pharmacist to offer her skills to the hospital! :)

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