Monday, January 28, 2008

Christmas Party - 29/11/07

Our annual Christmas party was held in November to avoid the big leave rush. The theme was ‘Smart with a twist’ which basically meant everyone came dressed in whatever they wanted! Jamie (Shelly, not Oliver) whipped up roast chicken with rosemary and lemon stuffing and everyone else contributed something to the feast (even Brad made a salad!). The evening was very festive with much banter, particularly around the Annual Zithulele Z’Oscars. One of the more noteworthy awards being: Karl, for the most-likely-to-breastfeed-if-he-could. We also had a great round of Dirty Santa (the game where everyone brings a present & each person gets to pick one; either wrapped or that someone else has unwrapped). The Christmas present bartering went on late into the night, with Brad desperately trying to get rid of his ‘Girl band hits’ CD.

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