Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Zithulele Publicity!

Zithulele hospital was featured in an article last week for the Daily Dispatch regarding the generous donation of R300000 given by Discovery Foundation.

This award will be used to build a resource centre to develop our professional capacity, and to build accommodation for medical professionals and students.

We were described as a 'beacon of light' among other institutions in the OR Tambo district, and were praised for our 'innovation' and 'out of the box thinking' when trying to find solutions to the high mortality rate in the area.

A model patient!

Last month, the hospitals dentist Etienne drove to Bulungula Preschool to do a presentation on Dental hygiene and to hand out free Aqua fresh toothbrushes to all the children! In return, NGO Bulungula Incubator kindly donated a truck-load of scientific models such as an eye, a tooth, skin and reproductive systems to Zithulele hospital! Some of the staff have already been having great fun taking them apart and they are going to come in very useful as visual aids for patients!

The Long RUN to Freedom!

A team of Zithulele residents gathered with staff from Madwaleni hospital on Saturday for The 'Madiba Mission', a 32km run starting in Qunu and following a route Nelson Mandela once walked as a child with his grandmother to collect medicine from a clinic. The day was a great success so well done to everyone who took part, especially Kate and JT who managed to run the full 32 km without breaking a sweat! Very impressive!

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