Monday, September 22, 2008

Team spirit

We talk a lot about how much we enjoy working as a close knit multidisciplinary team, but it is moments like this that are what a rural team is all about: (see multidisc team pic in theatre)

Dr Karl, Claire (Irish physio student), Karen (physio), Lulama (nurse) and a patient who needed a tendon repair.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Homes at last!

After almost 2yrs of living in a hospital ward for some of the longest-standing Zithulele professional staff and numerous shifted deadlines, it was with great jubilation that we finally moved into the brand new hospital accommodation on the 29th of June. It was a weekend affair with much scrubbing, lugging and sorting of long-shared stuff but the feeling of ‘I-have-a-house-so-nothing-you-do-can-possibly-bother-me’ lasted well into the weeks that followed complete with silly grins as people settled back into having some personal space at last!

The units are small but well designed each with a stoep and braai area. We look out onto the neighbour’s mielie field complete with cows and sheep and beautiful hills and sea in the background. It is so wonderful to come home to one’s own space whilst having friendly neighbours close by if the need to socialise or borrow something arises.

We are so happy here. Visitors, you are welcome anytime!

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